Marilag Ang Malaya

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crazy copyright infringement claim

Ads serve to distribute a message from businesses about their products and services that they are selling to potential customers, like you and I. So, knowing this in mind, it's often in the best interest of the ad to be seen by a lot of people, especially people like you and I who have enough spare cash to buy what they are selling.

Some years back, I wrote about a piece about a new (then) Microsoft ad to counter the "I'm a Mac" ads. As with any other Internet video, it had a YouTube video which you can embed and so on and so forth.

Therefore, it was with great surprise that I discovered my post no longer had the video on, but the embedded video says it was reported for infringement by Microsoft. Infringement?? For distributing ads?? Shocking! They should be paying the guy, instead of banning him.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On the Enhanced K+12 Basic Education

A lot of Filipinos still have no strong opinions regarding the K+12 program. As a parent whose child (and future children) will be definitely affected by this program, I totally support this measure. A lot of students tend to look towards life after college as the beginning of their working (and productive) lives. However, this is not so.

In fact, I have a Japanese acquaintance who only finished high school, but works in the Japanese civil service as an international coordinator. His job does not require the specialization that a college degree provides. In fact, he's probably better off as a generalist who can weave together people from different specializations to work together in order to achieve a common goal. For a more mundane example, a Filipino at age 18, should be able to work as a cashier, as a writer, as factory worker, as a supervisor, and simply be as productive as those who do not have a college degree. Mind you, education helps, but it's not required for success (unless that's your metric).

Most parents want their children to finish college. However, this is a symbolic achievement. A big one, perhaps, but a symbol nevertheless. A college education does not give you the chance to become productive and successful. That chance was given much earlier by life itself.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

2nd Open Web Day

DLSU Manila will be hosting the 2nd Open Web Day. This event is a joint project of the Mozilla and Wikipedia communities in the Philippines to improve content and localization from Filipino content.
Mozilla Philippines previously featured the 1st Open Web Day, held at Robinson's Place, Manila.  This event will be similar, but will be held in the Bro. Andrew Gonzalez Hall of the De La Salle University, also in Manila.

A laptop or tablet computer is a minimum requirement for joining this event, as unlike the first one, this is not going to be held in a Netopia store.

Should you be interested in joining, sign up at EventBrite. Don't forget to bring your tickets and ID's as security is quite strict at the DLSU.

See you there! =)

Update: 2nd Open Web Day successfully done. More details on the Mozilla Philippines blog.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Welcome back everyone!

I've decided to relaunch my old blog ( as The full name is "Marilag Ang Malaya" (Proud are the Free).

Aside from the usual technology posts, I'm sprinking it with a lot more socio-politico-culturally relevant posts.

Stay tuned everyone!